Causes and Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Knowing the causes and treatment of prostate cancer is very important in this day and age. This type of cancer is commonly found in men above 50 years. It does not mean men who are younger will not get this type of cancer. It is just that the chances are lesser. The symptoms of the cancer sometimes vary from different people depending on the kind of lifestyle they lead.

What is prostate cancer?

Normally levels of testosterone present in the body can affect the chances of this kind of cancer. Hence giving out the exact signs of prostate cancer is not really possible. But there are some common signs of prostate cancer, which we will discuss below. The prostate is present in men and creates a seminal fluid.

The prostate is around the urethra that is present below your bladder. When there is a problem with the prostate, it will cause serious issues with urination. You will want to know that the prostate cancer is the common kind of cancers which can affect men in the world. It is usually known when blood tests and rectal exams are performed.

The main problem with prostate cancer is that it progresses slowly. As a patient you have sufficient time to plan your treatment. Some of the commonly used medications are chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation, and surgery. They are usually performed to kill all the cancerous cells.

However, the healthy cells are also killed during the process.

In this post we will read about some of the common causes and treatment of prostate cancer.

•    The main sign or the most common symptom would be the size of the prostate. Sometimes it will seem abnormal. It is due to the presence of bumps in the prostate and is easily found by a rectal exam.

•    When the levels of PSA are high the chances of having prostate cancer is there. When the levels of the Prostate Specific Antigen are higher you might have this cancer. But, the good news is that there are several other reasons for high PSA levels.

•    The bladder has been enlarged. During this case, you will want to know that the signs of having this cancer are high. It can be found out through MRI, ultrasound, and physical examination. The restriction of urine is usually seen by the doctor performing the procedure.

•    When there are lesions on the bone. If there are legions on the bone, then it can be sign of cancer. Unless, tests prove them positive, then you are free of worry.

•    The lymph nodes tend to become enlarged. The prostate cancer attacks the lymph nodes which are present near the groin area and makes them become large.

Depending on the severity of your case, your doctor will decide on the kind of medical treatment to provide you.

Normally surgery is advised. The cancerous tissues must be removed from the prostate area. More importantly it should not spread to other areas. The radical prostatectomy is the most commonly performed surgery is the physical examination in which the prostate organ including vesicles nearby is removed.

The radiation therapy is also performed. The x-rays or radiation are used to kill cancerous tissues which are present. The radiation therapy damages the cancer cells from spreading. The hormone treatment is also provided where the growth of the hormones are restricted which enables you to get rid of them quickly.

Are alternative medical treatments for prostate cancer present?

Alternative medical treatments are available for patients suffering from prostate cancer. Though the medical treatment and results vary from patients, it is important to note that, you can give it a try. The natural medications like food diets and meditation have immensely improved the condition of the patient mentally and physically.

However, it cannot actually eliminate the cancer. The meditation enables you to fight the cancer mentally which are important. There is also Ayurveda medication which consists of herbal ingredients which are got from the herbs present in nature like turmeric and others. Some of them have proved to be effective, but not in completely eradicating the cancer from the body.

But, it is important that for those young men in whose families their grandfather or father is to be suffering from prostate cancer then taking measures from an early age itself can help in completely reducing the chances of getting it. Proper diet and exercises should be performed from young age itself.

Plenty of walking and jogging should be done. If you are obese, then consider getting rid of the unwanted weight as soon as possible. The juice of the fruits like berries and pomegranate should be taken frequently. They can be eaten or had in the form of juices. Meat and milk products should be consumed in limited amounts.

High fiber food can be taken. Bread and other forms of food items can be consumed less often to help in proper digestion. Fried and oily foods can be avoided or taken rarely. Greens and other healthy vegetables like carrots and beans should be considered in the diet regularly. Rice and other natural food items can be considered to prevent this kind of cancer from occurring right from a young age itself.

Meet a reputed doctor of a reliable hospital

When you note any of the symptoms which have been written in the causes of prostate cancer paragraph, then you will want to take immediate action. Fix an appointment with a reputed doctor of a reliable hospital. There are many doctors running private clinics, avoid them. They are only going to be after your money and not give you proper medical treatment.

Not to mention proper and latest medical equipments should be present, hence a reliable hospital which has been operating in your area would be recommended. Tests and various medical procedures will be performed once it has been confirmed. When the team of doctors monitoring you, are experienced and professional, then you know that you are in good hands.

The chances of recovering and leading a normal life are good. Sometimes the team handling you really matters a lot. They infuse positivity inside you with is good for health. In so many cases, patients who have been given few months to live are still leading a healthy normal life without any medical complications.

Hope you found this article on causes and treatment of prostate cancer useful. Make sure that you fix an appointment with a reputed doctor if you notice any of the signs or symptoms which have been mentioned above in the article. The best way to cure or prevent cancer from causing harm to your body and kill you is to take immediate medical treatment.

Children with diabetes

Children with diabetes | Kids with diabetes are turning into a noteworthy issue in this nation and around the globe. This adolescence epidemic is growing. Diabetes in children is ordinarily known as juvenile diabetes and is additionally basically the sort 1 diabetes. It’s the most well-known kind of diabetes in kids with between 90-95% of cases analyzed being 16 years or less. 

It is caused by the body’s failure to deliver insulin from the pancreas. It is an auto resistant sickness which makes the bodies possess guards assault the bodies organs or tissues. In the most recent 20 to 25 years has expanded three fold. In the US and Europe sort 2 diabetes is beginning to end up more common disease.

We are turning out to be less and less physical. There is no healthy activity in our lives and same is with the kids. Huge numbers of our activities are either on the laptops, playing games, smart phones or on TV. It is so cool to have the most recent and most noteworthy mobile phone with every one of the contraptions, or the most forward programming bundle for one’s PC. With less development comes expanded bigness. 

Being overweight as a rule clarifies why kids are turning into a sort 2 diabetic. Be that as it may, it can't be legitimately clarified why sort 1 is expanding. It is associated that a blend with hereditary qualities and environment is what is activating adolescent diabetes. It is not only due to genetic because majority of the children with diabetes has no such history in their family.   

 As a grown-up person you can convey the message to your kids in a way that they can benefit by what you have realized. This infection is comparable for grown-ups as it is for kids. On the other hand that you eat healthy and exercise you can maintain a strategic distance from the diabetes infection. In case, that you have diabetes then eating keen and exercising is not only solution. You should roll out the improvement thus do your youngsters. 

Cherish your children at any costs. I know this sounds sort of cheesy, however in the case that your kid is overweight he or she more likely than not realizes that. Be there for her or him by urging her to shape superb dietary patterns. Give them more fresh vegetables and fruits. Keep away from all kind of foods that cause diabetes like sugar, starches and others that contain elevated amounts of Trans and immersed fats.   

Support your kids regardless. Demonstrate to them a plenitude of adoration and caring. If you are carrying on with a sound way of life they will probably do likewise as you. This will be advantageous for both of you. Make time together where you and your kid can work out. In case, that you like playing a game or like a specific work out program check whether you can get your kid into similar program. This will make a good partnership with your child that can endure forever. 

Helping your kid at this basic point in his or her life is one thing that can upgrade your relationship forever. This will make you kid feel better during the whole process.Some common symptoms of this disease are thirst, exhaustion, overweight, weight loss, frequent urination, etc.    Kids with diabetes can likewise have extra manifestations, for example, migraines, and behavioral issues and in some cases stomach pains. 

Most of the time the migraines, stomach pains and behavioral issues are not mulled over in kids and these side effects are frequently ignored. So take notice of your kids and give them time. 

If you trust that your tyke might experience the indications expressed above, you ought to plan your kids for a careful examination and let your specialist know every one of the side effects that your tyke is facing. 

Make a meeting with your specialist immediately. What's more, tell the specialist your suspicions. And do as he or she says. Never ignore the symptoms in your kids that are stated above and this only you will be able to know when you will spend enough time with them. Your kids are the most precious gift from god for you.

Cause And How To Prevention Breast Cancer

Cause And How To Prevention Breast Cancer | Breast cancer is a scary nightmare words for women. By gender comparison, the cancer is most commonly occur in women age of 55 to 64 years old than men. Even though breast cancer can cause a death but with early treatment a patient can live longer. Nowadays the treatment is getting better with a lot of new founding and modern technology invented.

The exact cause of breast cancer is when the breast tissue started to grow uncontrolled. Person’s genes blended with the environment is a good combination to develop the cell cancer.

According to the study are shown women with mutation in BRCA genes are at high risk to get breast cancer compare to the women mutation in BRCA2 genes which has 40-60 percent chances. While women with mutations in the BRCA1 genes are only have 50-70 percent of getting the cancer at age 70. Other than above, they are numbers of important factors for women to take care before getting diagnosed with the disease:
  •  Family history of breast cancer
  •  Starting menstrual periods before age 12
  •  Menopause after age 55 or
  •  Using hormone therapy after menopause
  •  Do not having children
Not everyone is lucky to have a symptom before get diagnosed. However, they are possible symptom for women to aware before it becomes threaten:
  • Red or flaky skin of nipple area    
  • Breast’s thickening or swelling
  • Lump in the breast
  • Skin irritation or breast’s dimpling
  • Nipple discharges other than breast milk   

Prevention is better than cure. The earlier phase finds the cell cancer, the more chances to saves the lives.
  •  Healthy weight
  •  Eat more fruits & vegetable
  •  Exercise & workout
  •  Avoid birth control pill or
  •  Using post-menopause hormones
  •  Do not smoke or drink
  •   If possible breastfeed
  •  Screening  with mammography
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best approach to live longer. Take care of your body and it will take care of you.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus you should know

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus or Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus is the most common type of diabetes. It occurs when the body does not use insulin produced by the pancreas properly to move glucose into cells. Or known as insulin resistance. This affects the cells ability to store glucose for energy and thus, build up sugar in the blood. Termed as hyperglycemia.

Type 2 is caused by several factors:
·         Genes – certain DNA bits can affect the insulin production.

·         Obese or overweight – can lead to insulin resistance.

·         Liver releases too much sugar

·         Cells miscommunication – affect insulin or glucose production and usage by the cells

·         Metabolic syndrome – cluster of medical conditions associated with insulin resistance such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol etc.

Many people do not notice that they are having Type 2 diabetes since the symptoms are insignificant. However, seek your doctor if you are facing any of the following as it could be a sign of Type 2 diabetes:
·         Injuries do not heal

·         Always feel tired

·         Hands or feet often feel numb

·         Too thirsty

·         Always pee

·         Blurry eye vision

·         Repetitive yeast infections

You may have to be diagnosed with any of the following tests if your blood sugar rises to more than 200mg/dL:
·         Fasting blood glucose level – Diabetes if the result is more than 126mg/dL

·         Hemoglobin A1C – Diabetes if the result is at least 6.5%

·         Oral glucose tolerance – Diabetes if glucose level is more than 200mg/dL

Diabetes management is thus crucial to those with diabetes and important practices for those without. Performs below activities for a healthy lifestyle.
·         Have a well-balanced diet that fits your habits and lifestyle

·         Make sure to add physical activity into your regular routine – if you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, consult your doctor before starting any exercise activities

·         Check your blood sugar and keep a constant record of your glucose level by using a glucose meter (seek your doctor advice before using the device)

Prevention is better than cure. Start living a healthy lifestyle before the insulin resistance problem attacks your body.

How To Deal With Stress At Work ? You Must Know This

tips to control your stress | Do you have problems to sleep at night or constantly feeling tired and fatigue? Well, it may be part of the symptoms for being stressed due to work overload or over thinking.
As a working people, stress needs to be managed properly. However, ignoring the basic symptoms may lead to health problems such as heart disease and depression.
Most common factors for stress at work are low salaries and excessive workloads. But, some may not realize that an unchallenging job would also lead to a work stress. Lack of opportunities for growth and career advancement are also the key to demotivation, and losing the passion for working.
5 tips to control your stress level:
1)   Time management
Identify the importance and urgency of each task to ensure that it will not distract your attention. A proper time management will help you to manage the excessive workload at the workplace.
2)   Mental and emotional management
Keeping a positive attitude and thinking will help you to go through the pros and cons of the sources of your stress. Meditating and breathing exercise is powerful to help to reduce your anxiety.
3)   Get Physical
A healthy body will make you feel better and be more prepared to handle problems at work. Regular exercise is a stress reliever and a meditation in motion. It can increase your self-confidence, and lower the symptoms associated with mild depression.
4)   Eat Healthily
A healthy diet is important to prevent malnutrition. Avoid sugar and focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
5)   Rest and relax
Enough sleep and rest are important for our body to recover from stressful activities.
Our response to stress will highly affect our health and quality of work. Rather than relying on drugs and medication, early stress management is vital to help keep stress at bay.

Tips To Prevent Against Zika Virue Infection

World Health Organization has announced a global health emergency due to theoutbreak of Zika virus. It is a mosquito-borne virus brought by Aedes which is also acriminal that spreads dengue and chikungunya. The virus is first found infected arhesus monkey in Zika forest, Uganda in 1947 – which is how the virus gets its name.

From a rare case to a global alert, there is currently no vaccine or treatment tocombat the virus. That is why prevention plays an important role in avoiding oneselfagainst Zika as underlined by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

1. Avoid Mosquito Bites

Since Zika-transmitted mosquito is active day and night, precaution has to be

taken at all times by:
- Using a mosquito repellent that has DEET component or other active

ingredients that can provide longer protection against mosquito bites.
- Wearing fully-covered clothes – long pants and sleeves. Wear covered shoes

and socks if you are outdoor.
- Making sure that your house is protected inside and out. Close or screen

your windows and doors.
- Covering any exposed areas in your house with mosquito-net
- Cleaning your house and the surrounding by throwing rubbish properly and

eliminating standing water as mosquitos breed on water.
- Switching on air-conditioner if available as mosquitos hibernate in cold air. Or

else cover yourself with mosquito-net when sleeping.
- Exercising indoor. Our bodies attract mosquitos more when exercising as
carbon dioxide and heat are emitted more during the process.

2. Avoid Affected Areas

Zika infection has similar symptoms to flu-like diseases. It is not easy to detectunless if you go for blood or urine test. A person can remain infectious for one month after being exposed to Zika. Thus:
- Avoid travelling to Zika-affected places or else follow TIP 1 where applicable.

- Even after returning from those areas, continue practising TIP 1 for 3 weeks
to avoid spreading Zika to other people.
- Consult a doctor after returning from your travel whether you feel sick or not

as infected people sometimes do not show any symptoms.
- If you are pregnant or have a pregnant spouse or planning to have a baby in
a near future, it is strongly advisable to postpone any trip to affected areas.This is because Zika is also a sexual transmitted virus. Pregnant mother whois infected with Zika has a higher chance to deliver a baby with brain defects.

3. Sexual Intercourse Protection

If you live or travel to affected areas, before having a sexual intimacy, follow, below steps to avoid passing the virus to your spouse:

- Use condom every time when having sex
- Do not share sex toys with anyone
- Check your infectious status
- Seek medical advice if you are planning to have a baby

Practise the tips above as precautions to avoid Zika and to save the life of others.

Diabetes And Best Treatment

Diabetes And Best Treatment | diabetes patient is dramatically increasing nowadays and has reached more than 380 million people worldwide. People with diabetes usually have a high amount of glucose in their blood which is also called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia.

It is a metabolic disease that can strike just anyone and has no cure. Treatment for patients must be focusing on keeping your blood glucose levels as normal as possible. Improper treatment will not only damaging the eyes, kidneys, and the heart but can lead to coma and death.
An understanding of the 2 common forms of diabetes will help to justify the best treatment:
  1. Type 1
This is insulin-dependent diabetes which can develop at any age especially in children and teenagers. Our body immune system attacks part of its own pancreas and mistakenly destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. As a result, sugar builds up in the blood instead of being used as energy.
2. Type 2
This is the most common type especially to overweight people with an inactive lifestyle. It is a non-insulin dependent and usually develop after the age of 35. Individuals with type 2 have the insufficiency to produce enough insulin. As a result, the body needs more insulin to help glucose enter cells.
Oral medication or insulin therapy are the most common treatment for a diabetic patient. Insulin comes in different types and mostly given by injection to Type 1 patient. Frequent blood sugar monitoring is highly needed to prevent complications and to balance the blood sugar level.
However, the best treatment is through healthy eating and regular exercise. Diabetic patient Type 2 must avoid taking foods which are high in saturated fat and trans fat that will lead to an excessive amount of weight gain.
Last but not least, prevention is better than cure. Starts by loving and caring yourself before it is too late.