Tips To Prevent Against Zika Virue Infection

World Health Organization has announced a global health emergency due to theoutbreak of Zika virus. It is a mosquito-borne virus brought by Aedes which is also acriminal that spreads dengue and chikungunya. The virus is first found infected arhesus monkey in Zika forest, Uganda in 1947 – which is how the virus gets its name.

From a rare case to a global alert, there is currently no vaccine or treatment tocombat the virus. That is why prevention plays an important role in avoiding oneselfagainst Zika as underlined by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

1. Avoid Mosquito Bites

Since Zika-transmitted mosquito is active day and night, precaution has to be

taken at all times by:
- Using a mosquito repellent that has DEET component or other active

ingredients that can provide longer protection against mosquito bites.
- Wearing fully-covered clothes – long pants and sleeves. Wear covered shoes

and socks if you are outdoor.
- Making sure that your house is protected inside and out. Close or screen

your windows and doors.
- Covering any exposed areas in your house with mosquito-net
- Cleaning your house and the surrounding by throwing rubbish properly and

eliminating standing water as mosquitos breed on water.
- Switching on air-conditioner if available as mosquitos hibernate in cold air. Or

else cover yourself with mosquito-net when sleeping.
- Exercising indoor. Our bodies attract mosquitos more when exercising as
carbon dioxide and heat are emitted more during the process.

2. Avoid Affected Areas

Zika infection has similar symptoms to flu-like diseases. It is not easy to detectunless if you go for blood or urine test. A person can remain infectious for one month after being exposed to Zika. Thus:
- Avoid travelling to Zika-affected places or else follow TIP 1 where applicable.

- Even after returning from those areas, continue practising TIP 1 for 3 weeks
to avoid spreading Zika to other people.
- Consult a doctor after returning from your travel whether you feel sick or not

as infected people sometimes do not show any symptoms.
- If you are pregnant or have a pregnant spouse or planning to have a baby in
a near future, it is strongly advisable to postpone any trip to affected areas.This is because Zika is also a sexual transmitted virus. Pregnant mother whois infected with Zika has a higher chance to deliver a baby with brain defects.

3. Sexual Intercourse Protection

If you live or travel to affected areas, before having a sexual intimacy, follow, below steps to avoid passing the virus to your spouse:

- Use condom every time when having sex
- Do not share sex toys with anyone
- Check your infectious status
- Seek medical advice if you are planning to have a baby

Practise the tips above as precautions to avoid Zika and to save the life of others.

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Tips To Prevent Against Zika Virue Infection
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